06-03-2025 – We welcome you to our Open Day! We would like to introduce you to our nautical company – directly at the old center of Monnickendam. We have a nautical market for the benefit of the KNRM, look inside Halver Sails and enjoy activities of the sailing associations. And Restaurant Joon is open as well The preliminary program is as follows:

10:00-14:00 uur nautical market at the Waterland location
10:30 AM rigging session Waterland location (in the old sailing school, in Dutch)
10:30 AM the new harbour info session in the Hemmeland harbour office
noon a tour with the harbour boat from the Waterland location (when it’s dry)
1:30 PM tour – the Waterland location (provisionary)
1:30 PM the new harbour info session location Waterland in the old sailing school
3:30-4:30 PM drinks for all our berth holders (location: the old sailing school)

How can we help?

waterland team