Public transport: from Amsterdam Noord bus 315 and bus 111 go at least 2 x per hour to Monnickendam. Get off at the Swaensborch stop (315) or Zuideinde (111), from here you can walk to Jachthaven Waterland in 5-7 minutes. For travel advice check the website of EBS.
    waterland team

    Galgeriet 5

    NL 1141 GA Monnickendam

    KvK 52891828

    +31(0) 299 - 65 2000

    opening hours

    Period during the week weekend
    Summer season Mon until Fri 8:30-17:00 Sat 9:00-17:00
    Sun 9:00-17:00
    Winter season Mon until Fri 8:30-17:00 Sat 10:00-16:00
    Sun Closed