28-2-2025 – The construction of our harbour has a number of components. We will explain each component separately. The location of the components can be found in the Hemmeland newsitem.

Why a breakwater?

We noticed that in recent years there has been a strong wind from the northeast regularly, which causes a short but nasty wave. This wave rolls quite far into the harbour and the A-jetties in particular are not comfortable, especially when the water is high due to backwater. That is why we are building a breakwater north of the harbour.

What is a breakwater?

A breakwater is a dam in the water that holds back the waves and ensures flat water on the other side. It protrudes slightly above the water, enough to be clearly visible. Breakwaters come in all shapes and sizes, from dams with loose stones, concrete structures and sheet piling, but ours will be unique.

What makes the Waterland breakwater so special?

We are making a geotube, a kind of sausage of sturdy water-permeable cloth filled with soil and sludge from the harbour. We are deepening a piece of harbour just north of the Hemmeland-A and that material goes into the tube. Then there will be a border of stones for protection and after a while the breakwater will become overgrown with reeds. A very natural appearance, in line with the banks of the Hemmeland. It will be about 200m long and about 5m wide.

And why are you doing it this way?

It is great that we can use local material, it is much more sustainable and we think the nature-friendly character fits in well with the Hemmeland.

When will it arrive?

We are now in the final stages of the permit procedure and are planning the breakwater for the second half of the year.

How can we help?

waterland team